Plot 6, Bwankosya Road | P.O Box 977, Kabale (Uganda) +256783535443


Thousand Project Beneficiaries


Projects Successfully Implemented in 3 Years


People Trained on Agroecology


Trainings Conducted in 2023 Alone

Our Vision

A society where everybody – farmers, caterers, food shops and citizens work together to support a new way of thinking about farming, food and the environment.

Our Mission

ITo promote food security and sovereignty in rural and urban communities through agroecological farming practices, food production, distribution and consumption through alternative business models and empowerment of youth and women.

Our Objectives

1) To promote the transition towards agroecology-based farming and food systems.
2) To support sustainable farming that works with nature.
3) To support agroecological research, education and training.
4) To foster interactions between actors in science, practice and social movements by facilitating knowledge sharing and action.
5) To place agroecology high on the Ugandan agenda of sustainable development of farming and food systems.
6) To sustain rural and urban livelihoods and environments by integrating research, education, training and business innovations.
7) To build an economy where people, healthy food systems, and the environment come first.

Welcome to Agroecology Network Uganda (ANETU)

In today's world, where concerns about food security, environmental sustainability, and public health are paramount, the role of agro ecology in shaping sustainable food systems and improving nutrition cannot be overstated. Agro ecology, as a holistic approach to agriculture, emphasizes the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic factors in food production. From the farm to the fork, agro ecology offers solutions that prioritize environmental stewardship, community resilience, and nutritious food access.

At the heart of agro ecology lays the recognition that healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable agriculture. By implementing practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting, agro ecological farming methods enhance soil fertility, biodiversity, and resilience to climate change. Healthy soils not only support robust crop growth but also contribute to the production of nutrient-dense foods, addressing the root causes of malnutrition.

Furthermore, agro ecology promotes diversified farming systems that foster resilience and adaptability. Instead of monoculture cropping, agro ecological approaches encourage the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, including traditional and indigenous species. This diversity not only strengthens ecosystem health by reducing pest and disease pressures but also provides consumers with a rich array of nutrients, promoting dietary diversity and better nutrition outcomes.

Our Programs

Agroecology Transition Initiative

This program focuses on promoting the shift towards agro ecology-based farming and food systems. It includes awareness campaigns, training sessions, and support for farmers transitioning to agro ecological practices. Additionally, it involves establishing...

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Sustainable Farming Support Network

This program provides resources and assistance to farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices that work in harmony with nature. It includes training workshops, access to organic farming methods, and guidance on natural pest management...

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Agroecological Research and Education Initiative

This program supports agro ecological research, education, and training initiatives. It includes funding research projects focused on agro ecology, developing educational materials and curriculum, and organizing training workshops for farmers...

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Knowledge Sharing and Action Platform

This program aims to foster interactions between stakeholders in science, practice, and social movements within the agro ecology field. It involves creating online platforms and forums for knowledge sharing, organizing conferences and symposiums...

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Agroecology Advocacy Campaign

This program seeks to elevate agro ecology on the Ugandan agenda of sustainable development of farming and food systems. It involves advocacy efforts targeted at policymakers, government officials, and the general public...

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Rural and Urban Livelihood Sustainability Initiative

This program focuses on integrating research, education, training, and business innovations to sustain rural and urban livelihoods and environments. It includes establishing community-based agroecology hubs, developing agroecology-based...

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People-Centered Economy Development

This program aims to build an economy where people, healthy food systems, and the environment take precedence. It involves promoting ethical consumerism, supporting local food networks, advocating for policies that incentivize sustainable farming...

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Latest Blog & News

Urban Agroecology

Addressing nutritional challenges in cities through sustainable farming practices

As cities expand, the associated challenges with food security and nutrition grow as well. Urban areas often grapple with limited access to fresh, nutritious foods, excessive food waste, and environmental degradation from conventional farming methods. In response, urban agro ecology emerges as a promising solution, advocating sustainable farming practices that uphold food sovereignty, environmental stewardship, and community resilience.

Urban agro ecology, rooted in agro ecological principles, is tailored to the distinct urban context. It integrates food production into urban landscapes, utilizing spaces like vacant lots, rooftops, and community gardens to cultivate fruits, vegetables, and herbs. By shortening the distance between farms and consumers, urban agro ecology curbs carbon emissions linked with food transportation and storage.

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From Farm to Fork

How Agroecology Promotes Sustainable Food Systems and Better Nutrition

In today's world, where concerns about food security, environmental sustainability, and public health are paramount, the role of agroecology in shaping sustainable food systems and improving nutrition cannot be overstated. Agroecology, as a holistic approach to agriculture, emphasizes the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic factors in food production. From the farm to the fork, agro ecology offers solutions that prioritize environmental stewardship, community resilience, and nutritious food access.

At the heart of agroecology lays the recognition that healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable agriculture. By implementing practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting, agro ecological farming methods enhance soil fertility, biodiversity, and resilience to climate change.

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Combatting Malnutrition

Harnessing Agroecology to Combat Malnutrition in Developing Nations

Malnutrition remains a pressing challenge in many developing countries, with millions of people particularly women and children, suffering from under nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and diet-related diseases. This situation causes obstacles to public health and economic advancement. While conventional approaches often rely on food aid and supplementation programs, the spotlight increasingly shifts towards agro ecology as a sustainable solution to this multifaceted issue. Embracing agro ecological methods not only enhances food production but also fosters nutritional diversity, bolsters food security, and strengthens community resilience.

Agro ecology, at its core, embodies a holistic approach to agriculture, optimizing interactions among plants, animals, humans, and the environment. Rooted in ecological principles, it fosters diverse and resilient farming.

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Nurturing Soil

Nourishing Communities: Agro ecology's Impact on Health and Nutrition

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the interconnectedness between agriculture, the environment, and human health. Traditional farming methods have often prioritized high yields and profits at the expense of soil health and nutritional quality. However, the emergence of agro ecology presents a promising alternative, emphasizing sustainable farming practices that prioritize soil health and human nutrition simultaneously.

Agro ecology, at its core, is a holistic approach to agriculture that draws on principles from ecology, biology, and social sciences. It seeks to mimic natural ecosystems, promoting biodiversity, soil fertility, and resilience to environmental stressors. Unlike conventional agriculture, which relies heavily on chemical inputs and monoculture cropping systems.

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